Thanksgiving’s just around the corner, and in that spirit of gratitude… we sure are grateful to have programs back in full swing!
Our ISP teams have been working hard to rebuild retreat and reflection programs following the pandemic, and the energy around our network is contagious!
Indeed, we’re building back even stronger than ever. This year, ISP is on track to reach more people than ever before in our history. Twice as many ISP affiliates are offering regular spiritual reflection than before the pandemic—with teams adding new programs each month. And 19 of 22 affiliates have held overnight retreats this year. After so much time away from the ISP circle, our community is loving being back together. Recently, a Bay Area retreat participant shared:
“Because of the ISP retreat, I discovered I’m strong enough to overcome my fears… I am able to forgive myself and others.”
All in all, ISP will offer 8,500 experiences of God’s love, hope and healing this year, reaching 3,250 unique individuals. Each one of those individuals represents a unique, sacred story of healing, growth, recovery, and transformation.
We are overwhelmed with gratitude for the courage of our participants and alumni, the steadfast generosity of our 600+ volunteers, and the ongoing support of partners and friends across the country and around the world. Thank you!