by Pastor Melissa Pohlman, ISP Twin Cities reflecting with today’s Gospel reading, John 21:15-19. Jesus talks a lot about sheep in the Gospel of John. I don’t have a lot of experience with sheep, since I grew up in the forests of the Upper Midwest and now I live in...
by Mary Tracy, ISP Chair of the Board of Directors reflecting with the Gospel for May 13, John 16:29-33. Recently my husband and I started watching the series The Chosen. The show portrays Jesus’ disciples as frequently bickering and beset by doubts and insecurities....
by LaTanya Simpson, ISP Chicago reflecting along with the song, “Never Would Have Made It” by Marvin Sapp God is still speaking? Sure. But it’s also important for me to remember and testify: God was always speaking! Like a lot of people, I would say that I am a very...
deepening reflection with Luke 24:13-35 During this Easter reflection series, we have already encountered the powerful scripture of the disciples’ encounter with the resurrected Jesus on the road to Emmaus. And we had a wonderful reflection on that scripture from Fr....
by Anthony Welch, ISP Washington DC One of my favorite songs is “Rattle!” by Zach Williams. There is a lyric in the song that goes: “Open the grave, I’m coming out; I’m gonna live, gonna live again!” This lyric always reminds me of the darkness of alcoholism and drug...