ISP San Diego


Founded in 1998 in Chicago, IL by Fr. Bill Creed, SJ, and Ed Shurna (formerly Executive Director of the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless), the Ignatian Spirituality Project (ISP) offers experiences of hope, healing, and belonging to men and women recovering from homelessness and addiction. By inviting our participants into a deeper encounter with the God of their understanding, ISP retreats and spiritual programs provide the encouragement and empowerment necessary to make real, transformative life changes. Today, ISP offers retreats, follow up and spiritual accompaniment programs in over 20 cities nationwide.

 In early 2014 ISP made a presentation to the national board of directors of the Ignatian Volunteer Corps (IVC).  One of the board members was from San Diego and was very moved by the presentation.  He invited ISP  to “do whatever it took” to bring ISP to San Diego.  ISP reached out to the regional director of IVC in February of 2014.  A prospective volunteer was named as coordinator and a group of interested volunteers began discerning the launch of an ISP program in San Diego.  A team was formed; the first ISP San Diego women’s retreat was held in June 2015, and the first men’s retreat was held in October 2016.

About Us

Today, ISP San Diego holds two men’s and two women’s overnight retreats and follow up days of reflections annuallyFor more information about ISP San Diego, email Matt at or learn more about becoming a volunteer.

Contact us

Matt Meyers, Director of Programs