how we operate
How We Operate
ISP is a volunteer-based ministry that is privileged to support over 600 volunteers who work together in collaborative teams to facilitate retreat and spirituality programs across our network of 20+ cities.
The ISP Network office, based in Chicago, IL, exists to provide pastoral resources and organizational support to our volunteer teams. ISP’s small staff works in partnership with our volunteers across the network to ensure ISP programs are effective and impactful everywhere we serve. This includes overseeing new volunteer application and training, facilitating mission and ministry formation via online and in-person volunteer training, regular site visits, a network-wide leadership conference, and ongoing development of pastoral formation resources for use at the local affiliate level.
Network initiatives include the Witness Training Program that helps alumni share their story and mentor others; the Network Facilitator Retreat, an annual two-day training in facilitation and pastoral skills; and Ambassadors of Hope, a two-year alumni leadership program that empowers exceptional ISP alumni team members to serve on the ISP Network level.

—Psalm 119