by Kevin Rung, ISP Houston
reflecting with Psalm 40:7-11
“Here I am, Lord, I come to do your will.” (Response for Tuesday’s Lectionary Psalm 40)
So often when this question first begs, I am lost. But, most often I quickly recover and an answer appears when I, in turn, ask the question to myself, “Where am I planted?”
Now, on terra firma (solid ground), I can begin my day anew. Where can I be of maximum service? I know it’s going to be close by, since I am so parochial that I rarely leave my zip code. How can I come to know God today? What will he bring me to do? From these exciting questions and this starting point, I am rarely lost.
I am writing this on Easter Sunday night. Going through Lent and Holy Week, I have felt the weight of the Cross as I spiritually traveled the Way of the Cross. So, Easter is an unexpected relief for me. A new beginning.
Now, my prayers won’t end at “Amen.” From this day forward it will be “Amen, Alleluia!”
“…let us keep the feast, Not with the old leaven, the leaven of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. Alleluia!”… (from the Book of Common Prayer – “Pascha Nostrum – Christ our Passover”)
I feel firmly planted again. Tomorrow morning, God willing and the river don’t rise, I’ll be bird watching from my back porch. From there, in my beseechments and conversation with my friend above, I have no doubt that I will gracefully receive firm and loving answers. A new morning awaits!
Reflection Questions: When have you experienced new beginnings? Did you feel firmly planted and present to do God’s will?
Kevin is in his eighth year with ISP Houston. He lives in Galveston, Texas, with his wife Elizabeth. He works closely with various charities and recovery houses in the Houston area. Because of his connection to Upstate New York, he is a Buffalo Bills fan.