by Erin Garlock, ISP Cleveland
reflecting on the Gospel reading for April 2 – John 20:11-18
When Mary Magdalene returned to Jesus’ tomb, she found the tomb empty. Her task at hand switched from mourning at the tomb to finding her Lord’s body. The new task was so important to her that she failed to notice the remarkable sight of two angels sitting in the tomb. She even failed to recognize the one person for whom she was so frantically searching. Mary was lost in the moment and mistakenly thought she was talking to the gardener. She was only able to recognize her Lord once she paused long enough to let Jesus speak to her.
Like Mary, it can be easy for me to get caught up in daily chores and responsibilities, and to focus on what I think is the most important thing that needs done. I complete my task and move on to the next thing. I talk to my family, friends, co-workers, and strangers on the street. However, over the years I have learned I have missed the quiet voice of God on many occasions. It is not until I pause that I can notice how God is speaking to me. It may be that I should be working on some other task, it might be the wondrous beauty of the world, or it could be a conversation with a stranger I thought little more of than being the gardener. When I take the time to listen, I am often surprised by what I find.
Reflection Question: How can you take time to pause and listen to how God is speaking and revealing wonders for you?
Erin is an ISP volunteer in Cleveland, Ohio. He is also a spiritual director and has been running retreats for men since 2006. Erin works in cybersecurity, and enjoys making art and experiencing the world with his wife, Colleen.