Welcome to the new life of the spring season and to the new hope of Easter! And thank you for joining us for this ISP reflection series “God Is Still Speaking.”
While many of us seek opportunities to renew our efforts at spiritual reflection in the weeks of Lent, we can often set aside that commitment once Easter passes. We hope that the diverse voices of our community across the network of the Ignatian Spirituality Project can inspire you with a renewed sense of spiritual joy. These voices of ISP come from a wide variety of life experience, religious perspectives and identities. While some offerings in this series will feel familiar, others may surprise or even challenge you. We believe they all can offer a unique perspective about how hope can rise up from the struggles experienced by any person.
We will send out email reminders every Sunday from Easter to Pentecost, pointing subscribers to several reflections each week on our web page. You will see these reflections on the ISP Crossroads blog in reverse order, as the newest entries will appear above the previous. You will be able to follow the sequence by date order from bottom to top. You can also see direct links to all previous posts on the God is Still Speaking landing page.
And a word about the theme. One of our essential values at ISP is one shared with several religious communities: “God Is Still Speaking: Because we believe God has a dream for our community and our world, we continue to listen, discern and move forward in hope.” That seems like a wonderful place to begin our first Easter reflection series, by experiencing how God continues to work in our lives beyond our expectations, especially as we celebrate ISP’s 25th anniversary and anticipate all of the hopeful paths God is directing in our ministry now and into the future.
Thank you for joining us on this reflective journey, and thanks to all of our thoughtful contributors!